Hello Everyone!
So I finally decided I was going to get back into this whole
blogging thing after my first blog crashed and burned (ha ha car accident pun
sort of), but here we are again!

I’m back to talk about my screwball stories, ridiculous
writing realizations, and amazingly awesome alliterations. But the point is I
really am back at this point and I’ve got a new thing that I started over the
summer that I think everyone will get a kick out of.
It's called the One Year Adventure Novel!
Now, a disclaimer, I don’t own OYAN, and I’m not sponsored
by them either, I just think they’re cool.
Anyway, I’m mostly going to be talking about my story that I’m
writing through OYAN, which I will have a page about soon, not the curriculum
itself. I’ll also be posting book reviews, writing advice, and anything else
that piques my interest.
Now I’m sure you’d all like to know a bit more about me, the
author, so I’ll fill you all in (I’ll be adding this to the about page as
I’m 18 years old (recently, Feb 9th, actually),
and I’m planning to go to Wright State University and get a degree in Mass
Communication with a minor in Russian Studies. I work for the Clarion at
Sinclair Community College and I’m really hoping I can get a superman t-shirt
because that’s all I need to be a mild-mannered reporter. It’s pretty
Anyway, hope you all enjoy!
(PS There's little buttons at the bottom of the post so you can tell all your friends what a great writer I am wink wink nudge nudge)
Question of the week:
Which is better?
Plotting or Pantsing?
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